Management and Business Review期刊

The value proposition of MBR rests on the quality of its contents.  Articles must be interesting, relevant, and readable for a wide audience.  Although many of the ideas presented in MBR will be rooted in research, they must contain a clear management message.  It is therefore vital that all articles address real-world business systems.  Novel research results must be tied to concrete management practices.  Hence, the overarching characteristic of MBR will be articles that are relevant to the practice of management, efficiently written, and enjoyable to read.  To achieve this, articles will be concise, supplemented with visual graphics and rich in real-world connections.

We want to help managers run organizations and institutions more effectively and make better decisions.  If people work more productively, all of us—employees, bosses, customers, our families, and the people our businesses affect—will be better off.  We try to present ideas that will help readers to become smarter, more creative, and more confident in their work.  To do that, we seek out experts in management theory and practice and collaborate with them to express their thoughts to managers and to others working in their field.

We seek papers on many topics, including accounting, artificial intelligence and machine learning, business analytics, business and public policy, corporate governance, decision making, digitalization, finance, globalization, innovation, marketing, managing. negotiating, operations, organizational change, strategy, supply chains, and sustainability.  We publish articles of various lengths (in print and digital forms, or in digital form only, graphics, podcasts, videos, and slide presentations).

We consider five qualities when evaluating submitted papers:

(1)  Expertise : You needn’t be well known but you must know a lot about your subject.

(2)  Evidence : Know your subject thoroughly and prove it to your readers.  Refer to supporting research and describe relevant examples.

(3)  Originality : New ideas in the field are rare and valuable and a primary reason that people read business papers.  In writing about a standard topic, focus on a novel argument or insight.

(4)  Usefulness : Readers want to know about new developments in management thinking and to change and improve the way their organizations operate.  Explain your thinking so they understand how to apply your ideas in real situations.

(5)  Writing Style : Make your writing persuasive and inviting.  Readers may be skeptical and busy.  Capture their interest quickly so they don’t look elsewhere.

Our editorial process is thorough, and we may ask you to do revisions.  Our copy editors will work with you to make your paper more attractive to our readers.

It is possible, however, that an article is highly relevant only to an audience in a specific discipline.  We will initially publish these articles in specific disciplines in such specialized online magazines as  MBR Accounting Review, MBR Business Analytics, MBR Digital Transformation, MBR Finance Review, MBR Information Systems, MBR Marketing Review, and MBR Operations Review .  Once we reach a critical number of papers in a specialized online magazine, we will also publish it in print form.
